Formula with 10% glycolic acid / PHA supports exfoliation, removes dry, flaky skin and reveals new, smooth, radiant skin while providing anti-aging benefits by restoring healthy elasticity and removing fine wrinkles.
The 10% glycolic acid / PHA formula enhances exfoliation by removing dry, flaky, and rough skin on your arms, legs and body.
Provides anti-aging benefits when used consistently. Exfoliates and slightly moisturizes the skin. A mixture of PHA / Bionic, vitamin E and shea butter moisturize and strengthen the skin’s protective barrier, providing better protection.
Discover radiant, smooth skin without gray dryness and flakes. Perfect for everyday use on your arms and legs. Avoid applying directly after shaving.
Recommended use: every evening
Suitable for Keratosis Pilaris-
Keratosis pilaris (KP) is a skin condition (hair follicle) that manifests as rough lumps around the hair follicle (goosebumps in appearance) on the skin of the back and outside of the arms and thighs. Treating KP with moisturizing and exfoliating creams and high-strength AHA lotions or urea can help. Basically, they should be applied at least twice a day and work by softening and reducing the cohesion of adjacent skin scales around the hair follicles, which makes them easier to exfoliate.
Creams with alpha-hydroxy acid … help to loosen and remove dead skin cells. They moisturize and soften dry skin.
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